The Folio Society - Discovering the traditional pleasure of real books

Why pay £34 for a book you can download for a couple of quid?

The Folio Society produces exceptional editions of some the finest books ever written. The bindings, the illustrations, the sheer quality of each book turns them into objects that any serious book lover will want to own. This mailing was sent to ‘lapsed’ buyers to get them to rediscover these pleasures. We wanted get the whole story across, not just by sending a catalogue but by focussing on the values of the volumes: and we posed the question, why pay all this money for a book you can download for virtually nothing? The letter – a good 4 pages given we’re writing to people who like words – kicks off immediately with the ‘rediscovery’ offer of £10 off and a free notebook. We dramatise this offer with a voucher; we add a flyer for the notebook; and we get a strong time close into the deal.

This mailing re-activated a significant numbers of previous ‘one-off’ buyers to get them back into the habit of buying beautiful Folio Society volumes.
