Choose your deal

I'm every bit as keen as you are to see it work. I appreciate that you're making a significant investment and that you're doing it to see a decent ROI. That's why I have two different ways of charging.

The simple way

I will charge you a single, one-off creative fee, the size of which will depend on the job itself. In addition, I’ll charge you the time of the artwork studio. I’ll quote you the first one once I’ve seen the job; and I’ll give you a range of costs for the second one, which will be dependent on the actual pack itself. The final quote will be in writing and will be fixed. The artwork charge allows for 2 rounds of amends and if you go beyond that, then I’ll have to charge you more. If you pay a single fee then you get the IP but for the UK only.

Shared risk

I will reduce the creative fee by 50% (though not the artwork charge) and then I will charge you a fixed percentage by response – either gross or net – every time the pack is mailed. That percentage will of course vary, and we’ll agree that in advance. In this case, I keep the IP but you always have the option of ‘buying out’ at any time you choose.