Bluecrest - Read all about yourself

Sometimes you need a softer offer to get the response

How do you sell a health screen? In a direct mail pack (see the example above) you’ve got the space. But in a single page press ad - even one of my long copy ones - it’s hard. So for this Bluecrest whole page ad, we used the report you get at the end of your screen as a way of simplifying the offer. ‘You’ (like FREE) is one of the most powerful words in the copywriter’s armoury and it seemed reasonable to try this as the main headline. Then we used a ‘call-out’ technique (the little captions with lines pointing to the report) to tell the readers about the various things they’ll be tested for, followed by three columns of detailed copy saying what you’re about to get. Even then, we still managed to get a money-off offer into the ad.
